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Please click on link below to download and print Lifegroup questions.

  1. We began with the question, “What would you do for money?” So, give it some real thought and answer it. Also, can you answer the opposite? “What would you not do?”
  2. Look over your answers. Does it have any of the following – I would never put money ahead of following Christ. I would never steal, kill, or sin against my conscience, for money?
  3. In your opinion, has the modern church really grasped that Jesus means what He says here, that we cannot serve two masters?
  4. Sinclair Ferguson says, “We were made to have a master.” What was your immediately thought? And, what do you think now?
  5. Don Carson defines “Mammon” as “something in which one puts their confidence.” So, the issue is not purely about money, is it? It’s more about what controls and what we live for, isn’t it? What are some of the things one might put their confidence in?
  6. In your understanding and experience, name three things the love of money produces?
  7. In the A. W. Tozer quote, “The roots of our hearts have grown down into things and we dare not pull up our rootlets lest we die,” the two words “grown down” really caught my attention. How do you think that might happen?
  8. The last three words “lest we die,” shows a number of things – dependency, deception, desperation, what we truly trust in, etc. when would that reveal itself in a person’s life?
  9. What kinds of temptations doe the love of money lead us?
  10. How can hoarding be our god, or our idol? When survivalists stock pile for fear of the future, could that be hoarding? Do you have any other parallels?
  11. If money is what we actually trust in and pursing, what could happen to the relationships we have?
  12. Why does money promise us security? And why do so many believe it?
  13. In our last two questions we are firstly, as a citizen of heaven, what freedoms come from serving God?
  14. Christ is the ultimate servant, and the freest person who ever lived. If you were to Him, what does serving the Father bring, what do you think He would say? Can it be any different for us as a community of servants?